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My Journal

January 2001

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Monday, 15 January 2001

It's been over a year since I've written anything online in this journal. I've been so busy updating all of the other web pages found on this site as well as writing my book (Sex, Lies & the Truth About Uterine Fibroids) that I've just stopped making journal entries. Only so much a person can write in a day. :) Unfortunately, a shift in my medical condition is now making me stop and begin logging everything once again.

Sunday, 21 January 2001

My birthday. I turned 44 years old today. It really hit me hard when I realized I wouldn't be hearing from my dad. He passed away last August and this is the first time in two decades that he hasn't called and talked about our next trip out so he could take me and the boys fishing. Rich doesn't fish. At all. I guess I don't either anymore...

I took my wedding rings off today. My husband of over 22 years lost his gold wedding band last fall while at a karate event. No jewelry allowed during karate. He's always been pretty careful about jewelry while working out but this time he wasn't. But that's not why I took my rings off. I bought him a new band for Christmas. He's never put it on. He says he needs to get it adjusted so it will fit properly but his priority level on it is rather low, it would seem. Too many emotions running through me today that I just can't deal with. So, off the rings came.

November 1999


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