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Every state in the U.S. has a medical board that oversees licensing of physicians and handles consumer (patient) complaints. As a rule of thumb, I never see a physician until I've checked out their license. (It doesn't hurt to check out which medical school they went to either. . .)
It seems silly--they wouldn't be in an office taking patients if they weren't licensed, right? Wrong. Twice in the last year alone I came across doctors identified in my husband's HMO doctor directory who were, in fact, no longer licensed to practice medicine in the state of California. Both still had offices and a nurse practitioner was seeing patients while new physicians were being sought to fill the previous physicians' slots. Not cool. Maybe not even legal. I don't know. One of the doctors was someone my daughter was seeing and suddenly
Survey of Doctor Disciplinary Information on State Medical Board Web Sites The Health Research Group (HRG), an arm of the Public Citizen group formed by Ralph Nader, conducted a survey of the 51 medical boards regulating physicians in the United States to determine the current state of Internet-accessible disciplinary information. They conducted phone interviews (using a structured questionnaire) and examined each of the websites. Based on what they found, they assigned a grade of "A," "B, "C," "D," "F," or "X." Only 1 state received an "A" -- Maryland. Read how YOUR state was rated and check out the commentary provided on how each state could improve their information dissemination efforts. |
she couldn't get past the nurse practitioner to see the doctor to save her soul. I got suspicious and checked the medical licensing for the physician and was surprised to find that the doctor had chosen not to renew her license. You'd think the medical staff would tell you that when you book an appointment, wouldn't you? But, they didn't.
You never know. It can be very important to check.
Take, for instance, my personal experience with Dr. Vicki Hufnagel as I was researching female reconstructive surgery (FRS) years ago. . .
Okay. So you find the doctor you're seeing is licensed but is still a "day late and a dollar short" on their bedside manner, quality of care, and, just maybe, incredibly inept in their overall medical skills. If you believe that what your doctor has done to you is wrong, please, oh please file a complaint! The only way for us to advance the "weeding out" of those who don't deserve a medical license is for each one of us to be proactive in our selection of physicians. And, when necessary, we simply must complain to the proper authorities--instead of just walking away and whining about it.
Alabama State Board of Medical Examiners 848 Washington Avenue |
334.242.4116 |
Alaska State Medical Board |
907.269.8163 |
Arizona Board of Medical Examiners
480.551.2700 |
Arkansas State Medical Board |
501.296.1802 |
Medical Board of California |
916.263.2382 |
Colorado State Board of Medical
Examiners |
303.894.7690 |
Connecticut Department of Public
Health/Physician Licensure Department |
860.509.7603 |
Delaware |
Delaware Board of Medical Practice |
302.739.4522 |
District of Columbia Board of
Medicine |
202.442.9200 |
Florida Department of Health |
850.488.0595 |
Georgia Composite State Board
of Medical Examiners |
404.656.3913 |
Hawaii Board of Medical Examiners |
808.586.3000 |
Idaho State Board of Medicine |
208.334.2822 |
Illinois Department of Professional
Regulation |
217.785.0800 |
Indiana Health Professions Bureau |
317.232.2960 |
Iowa Board of Medical Examiners
515.281.5171 |
Kansas State Board of Healing
Arts |
785.296.7413 |
Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure |
502.429.8046 |
Louisiana State Board of Medical
Examiners |
504.568.6820 |
Maine Board of Licensure in
Medicine |
207.287.3601 |
Maryland Board of Physician
Quality Assurance |
410.764.4777 |
Massachusetts Board of Registration
in Medicine |
617.727.3086 |
Michigan Board of Medicine |
517.335.0918 |
Minnesota Board of Medical Practice
612.617.2130 |
Mississippi State Board of Medical
Licensure |
601.987.3079 |
Missouri State Board of Registration
for the Healing Arts |
573.751.0098 |
Montana Board of Medical Examiners |
406.444.4284 |
Nebraska Department of Health
402.471.2115 |
Nevada State Board of Medical
Examiners |
702.688.2559 |
New Hampshire Board of Medicine |
603.271.1203 |
New Jersey State Board of Medical
Examiners |
609.826.7100 |
New Mexico State Board of Medical
Examiners |
505.827.5022 |
New York State Board for Medicine
518.474.3841 |
North Carolina Board of Medical
Examiners 1201 Front St., Suite 100 |
919.326.1100 |
North Dakota State Board of
Medical Examiners |
701.328.6500 |
State Medical Board of Ohio
614.466.3934 |
Oklahoma State Board of Medical
Licensure and Supervision |
405.848.6841 |
Oregon Board of Medical Examiners
503.229.5770 |
Pennsylvania State Board of
Medicine |
717.787.8503 |
Rhode Island Board of Medical
Licensure and Discipline |
401.222.3855 |
South Carolina Board of Medical
Examiners |
803.896.4500 |
South Dakota State Board of
Medical and Osteopathic Examiners |
605.334.8343 |
Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners |
615.741.3111 |
Texas State Board of Medical
Examiners |
800.248.4062 |
Utah Department of Commerce/Division
of Occupational and Professional Licensing |
801.530.6628 |
Vermont Board of Medical Practice
802.828.2673 |
Virginia Board of Medicine |
804.662.7636 |
Washington Medical Quality Assurance
Commission |
360.236.4800 |
West Virginia Board of Medicine |
304.558.2921 |
Wisconsin Medical Examining
Board |
608.266.1188 |
Wyoming Board of Medicine |
307.778.7053 |
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This page last updated Saturday, February 02, 2002